“Vitmark-Ukraine” three times the nominee of competition “ODESSA QUALITY” in 2016

Products “Vitmark-Ukraine” has received awards at the competition “Odessa quality – 2016”.

Competition “Odessa quality” is the successor to the previously conducted all-Ukrainian competition “100 best goods”. The initiator and organizer of it was the State enterprise ” OdessaStandart-Metrology” with the support of the regional state administration.

To the contest applied 46 companies, many of which presented several of its products.

The structure of the competitive Commission included representatives of the Odessa regional administration, Odessa regional chamber of Commerce, the territorial office of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, Main Department of Stateprodneedsservice in the Odessa region, the Odessa city Council.

Recognition of the competition Commission and the honorary medal “Guarantee of quality”, “high quality”, “For consistently high product quality” was presented products of the Company “Vitmark-Ukraine” are among the best products and services in Odessa and Odessa region in three categories in the category food products:

Quality assurance – Apple juice “Pramоsik”

Excellent quality Tomato juice with pulp OZDP “Our juice”

For consistently high quality products – Puree apples without sugar “Miracle-child”.

The main evaluation criteria were the quality characteristics, consumer and other properties of the product. Special attention was paid to the presence of supporting documentation: certificates of conformity of products, production, quality systems, certified testing laboratories, test reports, use of innovative technologies, environmental friendliness.

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